Monday, June 6, 2011

Media Controversy

MTV's skins is a show wrapped in controversy.

Skins features high amounts of sexual content (both heterosexual and homosexual) , graphic language, drug abuse, and violence, not only that but the actors are all under the age of 21. The youngest Elanor Rose Zichy who plays Eura Snyder. She was born in 1995 putting her between the ages 14-15.

The show has been receiving complaints by parents in America saying that the show is a watered down child pornography video. Advertisers such as Subway all pulled out of their contracts to advertise Skins.

Although Skins is all the controversy here in the US, the original UK version of Skins has been applauded for showing the raw truth about a teenage delinquent. The UK version featuring topless women, mafia raids involving minors, and major drug uses by even the most protagonistic of characters. And as the above goes all of the actors are under 21.

So a question arises from this. Why is it so acceptable in the UK but not in the US?, even though aside from the minor changes in location and character names, the script of both are almost identical.

Article on MTV's SKINS

1 comment:

  1. Two issues:
    - Advertiser boycotts or threats often lead to "commercial self-censorship" (MTV censoring itself because it doesn't want to lose advertising)
    - If she is a minor and the case does involve child pornography, that type of speech does not enjoy first amendment protection
